On December 7, 2022, in the animation direction of the Meirim club under the guidance of associate Professor Shirinbayeva G.K. 3rd-year volunteer students of the specialty «6B01801-Social pedagogy and self-knowledge» I.Moldrahim, Zh.Zhumadil, Zh.Tolepbergen, Zh.Kultaeva, G.Tolegen, E.Serik We conducted animation therapy «Smile, we are together!» in small groups of people with disabilities of the YERZI social Rehabilitation Center in Almaty.
In order to optimize the psychological climate in a small group, students used a set of exercises «Positive attitude (concentration on light)»; Games in motion; Exercise «Chained together»; Exercise «My smile, where are you»; Exercise «Finest hour»; group singing.
The applied set of exercises promotes relaxation after strenuous rehabilitation work of disabled people in the institution. At the end, the exercise «Reflexive circle» was held, where everyone shared their impressions, emotions that arose during the lesson. This animation activity allowed volunteer students to simultaneously gain experience and work with disabled people in small groups, promote the animation direction and be realized in the professional sphere, increase the socio-pedagogical level of competence.